The semantics of Hoboes
We intended, at the outset, to generate a complete semantic breakdown of every one of the 700 Hoboes, but time and life caught up. Thus, we're open-sourcing this project, in the worst sense of the concept - we give up, and hope someone else will take up the reins. The idea here is that with a semantic analysis of each hobo name, one could then extract a subset of the (unmanageable) 700 hoboes according to one's whim - say, just the ones missing a body part, ones possessing a special talent, ones with poor hygiene (not to say that's not all of them, but we're just going by the names). You'll understand once you dive into the data.
1 | Stewbuilder Dennis | occupation culinary talent name-first proclivity benefactor |
2 | Cholly the Yegg | name-unusual x-the-y occupation criminal name-first |
3 | Holden the Expert Dreamtwister | name-first eponymous eponymous-fictional occupation x-the-y talent talent-creative |
4 | The Rza | the-x eponymous eponymous-real anachronism |
5 | Jack Skunk | name-first animal odor meta-group family-father |
6 | Jack Skunk Fils | name-first animal name-last age-young odor meta-group family-son |
7 | Lord Dan X. Still-Standing | title title-royalty name-first name-initial endurance |
8 | Marlon Fitz-fancy | name-first eponymous eponymous-real foppish anachronism |
9 | Bazino Bazino, The Kid Whose Hair Is On Fire | name-reduplicated name-first name-last name-unusual x-the-y age-young bodypart-hair bodypart-dysfunction flammable trademark-bodypart |
10 | Whispering-Lies McGruder | name-last proclivity character-flaw |
11 | Nit Louse | name-reduplicated-meta animal insect hygiene |
12 | Dan'l Dinsmore Tackadoo | name-first name-middle name-last name-first-contraction name-unusual |
13 | Hobo Zero | hobo-reference number anonymous |
14 | The Silver Jacket Man | the-x trademark-clothing clothing-jacket |
15 | No-Shoulders Smalltooth Jones | bodypart-dysfunction bodypart-missing bodypart-shoulder bodypart-deficient bodypart-tooth name-last trademark-bodypart |
16 | Sistery Brothery Nabob | benefactor gender-indeterminate |
17 | Name Withheld | meta anonymous gender-indeterminate |
18 | Staniel the Spaniel | x-the-y rhyme name-first animal |
19 | Frederick Bannister, the Tree Surgeon | proclivity eponymous eponymous-real euphemism occupation name-first name-last x-the-y anachronism |
20 | Tarnose Cohen | name-last hygiene bodypart-nose trademark-bodypart |
21 | Mr. Wilson Fancypants | title foppish name-first trademark-clothing clothing-pants |
22 | Floyd Dangle | name-first eponymous eponymous-near name-last eponymous-real name-unusual |
23 | Shane Stoopback | name-first bodypart-dysfunction bodypart-back trademark-bodypart |
24 | Wicked Paul Fourteen-Toes | name-first bodypart-dysfunction bodypart-foot bodypart-excessive character-flaw number trademark-bodypart |
25 | Normal-Face Olaf | name-first bodypart-face bodypart-meta meta trademark-bodypart |
26 | Tearbaby Hannity Stoop | name-last |
27 | The Damned Swede | the-x nationality character-flaw |
28 | Pierre Tin-Hat | name-first trademark-clothing clothing-hat |
29 | Ol' Barb Stab-You-Quick | proclivity character-flaw criminal talent name-first name-prefix gender-female weapon talent-physical kinetic |
30 | Mr. Whist | title name-last proclivity talent |
31 | James Fenimore Cooper | eponymous eponymous-real |
32 | Twistback John, the Scoliosis Sufferer | name-first bodypart-back bodypart-dysfunction x-the-y trademark-bodypart |
33 | Sweet Daddy Champagne | benefactor beverage-alcoholic proclivity |
34 | Senator Cletus Scoffpossum | title name-first title-political hillbilly |
35 | Horus, the Bird-Headed Fool | x-the-y mythology animal bodypart-head bodypart-dysfunction animal-bird intelligence-low |
36 | 50-Tooth Slim | bodypart-dysfunction bodypart-tooth bodypart-excessive bodypart-weight |
37 | Monk, the Monkey Man (which is to say: "the Man") | x-the-y animal-monkey animal meta alliteration |
38 | Thad the Bunter | x-the-y name-first gender-indeterminate proclivity character-flaw |
39 | Balloonpopper Chillingsworth | proclivity foppish name-last character-flaw character-flaw-killjoy |
40 | All-but-Dissertation Tucker Dummychuck | academic name-first intelligence-low intelligence-high |
41 | Finnish Jim | name-first nationality meta-group |
42 | Flemish Jim | name-first nationality meta-group |
43 | Foreign Tomas, the Strangetalker | name-first x-the-y nationality nationality-unknown linguistics |
44 | Roadhouse Ogilvy and Sons | meta-group name-last residence family |
45 | Jokestealer John Selden | character-flaw character-flaw-killjoy name-first name-last proclivity entertainer |
46 | Giancarlo, Master of the Metal Trapeze | entertainer talent x-the-y name-first occupation talent-physical kinetic |
47 | Dr. Bill Stain-Chin, the Boxcar Medic | title title-medicine talent occupation benefactor x-the-y name-first medicine hygiene bodypart-face hobo-reference |
48 | Boxcar Ted | name-first residence meta-group hobo-reference |
49 | Boxcar Mick | name-first residence meta-group hobo-reference |
50 | Boxcars [sic] Timothy Twin | name-first residence meta-group hobo-reference meta family-twin |
51 | Boxcar Jones, the Boxcar Benjamin Disraeli | name-last x-the-y residence meta-group hobo-reference political eponymous eponymous-real eponymous-meta |
52 | Boxcar Aldous Huxley | meta-group eponymous eponymous-real residence hobo-reference |
53 | JR Lintstockings | name-initial clothing-sock hygiene |
54 | Gila Monster Jr. | animal animal-lizard name-suffix diminutive |
55 | Irontrousers the Strong | x-the-y talent talent-physical clothing-pants |
56 | "X," the Anonymous Man or Woman | x-the-y gender-indeterminate anonymous meta |
57 | Orphaned Reynaldo, the Child with Haunting Eyes | meta-group age-young bodypart-eyes name-first family-missing family-son bodypart-expressive x-the-y trademark-bodypart |
58 | Reynaldo Reynaldoson, Who Will One Day Kill His Father | name-first name-last meta-group name-reduplicated family-son character-flaw meta temporal |
59 | Thoughtless Harry Hsu | character-flaw name-first name-last trademark-personality |
60 | Clinical Psychiatrist Hugo Rivera | academic medicine eponymous eponymous-real occupation anachronism |
61 | Peter Ox-Hands | name-first bodypart-hand bodypart-excessive animal animal-ox trademark-bodypart |
62 | Ponytail Douglas Winthrop | foppish name-first name-last bodypart-hair trademark-bodypart |
63 | Lil' Jonny Songbird, the Songbird-Eater | name-prefix diminutive name-first animal animal-bird proclivity character-flaw x-the-y culinary |
64 | King Snake: The Eternal Mystery | title title-royalty x-the-y animal animal-snake temporal anonymous |
65 | Ghostly Nose Silvie | bodypart-nose bodypart-dysfunction gender-female trademark-bodypart |
66 | Fonzie | eponymous eponymous-fictional anachronism |
67 | DiCapa the Hound | x-the-y name-last animal animal-dog occupation |
68 | Beef-or-Chicken Bob Nubbins | culinary name-first |
69 | Honest Amelia Dirt | gender-female character-positive hygiene name-first trademark-personality |
70 | Slow Motion Jones | name-last temporal kinetic |
71 | Canadian Football Pete | name-first talent-physical talent nationality |
72 | Meep Meep, the Italian Tailor | nationality name-reduplicated x-the-y occupation onomatopoeia |
73 | Jonathan William Coulton, the Colchester Kid | eponymous eponymous-real x-the-y age-young residence anachronism |
74 | Maria the Pumpkin-Patch Crooner | x-the-y gender-female talent-creative talent-musical talent residence residence-vegetable |
75 | Bix Shmix | rhyme |
76 | Vice President Garrett Hobart | title title-political eponymous eponymous-real |
77 | Stun Gun Jones | name-last trademark-object weapon anachronism |
78 | Prostate Davey | name-first bodypart-prostate trademark-bodypart |
79 | Flea Stick | hygiene animal-insect |
80 | Niles Butterball, the Frozen Turkey | name-first culinary x-the-y animal-bird eponymous-corporate anachronism |
81 | Todd Four-Flush | name-first hygiene number |
82 | Stick-Legs McOhio | name-last bodypart-leg bodypart-deficient trademark-bodypart |
83 | The Unanswered Question of Timothy | meta name-first |
84 | Mickey the Assistant Manager | x-the-y name-first occupation diminutive |
85 | Guesstimate Jones | name-last unclassifiable |
86 | Goofus | eponymous eponymous-fictional anachronism character-flaw meta-group |
87 | Gallant | eponymous eponymous-fictional anachronism character-positive meta-group |
88 | Sir Roundbelly DeDelight | title title-royalty bodypart-belly bodypart-excessive foppish |
89 | Newton Fig | eponymous eponymous-corporate eponymous-meta culinary eponymous-near |
90 | Chicken Nugget Will | animal animal-bird culinary name-first culinary-processed |
91 | Parlor Peter, the Sneak Thief | x-the-y residence alliteration criminal proclivity character-flaw talent |
92 | Ovid | eponymous eponymous-real |
93 | Bathsheba Ditz | gender-female name-unusual character-flaw intelligence-low trademark-personality |
94 | Alan Pockmark, Esq. | name-first title title-legal bodypart-dysfunction bodypart-face |
95 | Lolly Hoot Holler | unclassifiable |
96 | Von Skump | name-last name-unusual unclassifiable |
97 | Lonnie Choke | name-first unclassifiable |
98 | Chisolm Chesthair | bodypart-hair trademark-bodypart bodypart-excessive name-last bodypart-chest |
99 | Freak Le Freak, the Freakster | x-the-y name-reduplicated trademark-personality |
100 | Rex Spangler, the Bedazzler | x-the-y foppish name-first anachronism name-reduplicated-meta |
101 | Randall Mouth-Harp | talent talent-musical name-first trademark-object |
102 | Chrysler LeBaron | eponymous meta eponymous-corporate anachronism |
103 | The Fishin' Physician | rhyme the-x proclivity medicine occupation |
104 | Persuasive Frederick | trademark-personality name-first |
105 | Celestial Stubbs | name-last unclassifiable |
106 | Teary-Eyed Fingal | name-last bodypart-eyes bodypart-expressive |
107 | Mairah Nix | name-first name-unusual unclassifiable |
108 | Cthulhu Carl | mythology name-first comes-it-now-from-the-deep-to-devour-tags-semantic gods-elder eponymous-fictional eponymous |
109 | Del Folksy-Beard | bodypart-beard bodypart-hair trademark-bodypart hillbilly name-prefix |
110 | No-Banjo Burnes | name-last meta trademark-object trademark-object-meta music |
111 | Chainmail Giles Godfrey | name-first name-last trademark-clothing clothing-chainmail |
112 | Lois "Charles" Ladyfinger | gender-indeterminate name-first name-nickname culinary |
113 | Plausible Zane Scarrey | name-first name-last unclassifiable |
114 | Huckle Smothered | unclassifiable assonance |
115 | MmmmmDandy Dundee | name-last foppish alliteration |
116 | Mountain-Humper Edgar Ames | name-first name-last proclivity talent-physical kinetic |
117 | Spasmodic Hilary | kinetic name-first bodypart-dysfunction bodypart-nervoussystem |
118 | Doc Aquatic | title assonance title-education qua-qua-qua |
119 | Molly Bewigged | name-first gender-female bodypart-hair bodypart-prosthetic trademark-bodypart trademark-object |
120 | Cincinnati O'Gurk | meta-group nationality-city name-last |
121 | Metuchen O'Sullivan | meta-group nationality-city name-last |
122 | Cherry Hill O'Manley | meta-group nationality-city name-last |
123 | Cheesequake O'Lennox | meta-group nationality-city name-last |
124 | Booper O'Montauk | meta-group nationality-city meta |
125 | Zaxxon Galaxian | anachronism name-reduplicated-meta assonance eponymous eponymous-corporate |